Category Archives: Professional Cleaning Tips

Fresh Bedroom Ideas For The Offspring

  Parents of growing teenagers are faced with their ever changing needs for better looking bedrooms, extra storage capacity and added practicality. This may seem to be too much, but there are clever interior ideas for the youngsters’ room that will be both affordable and practical with long term usage in mind. The most important read more »

Alternative Stain Removers

Something as small and insignificant as a blueberry stain or barbecue sauce spot on your shirt can ruin your favourite garment for good. Fortunately, there more than one cleaning solutions that you can use to remove stains and spots from clothes. There are plenty comercial stain removers that you can use to clean almost any read more »

How to Rearrange Your Closet

A professional cleaner from London will share with you some interesting tips on how to rearrange your closet quickly and easily. Learn the steps that you should perform and make sure that your closet is tidy and organized, ready to impress your guests and family.

How to Get Rid of Red Wine Stains

Red wine stains may seem permanent, but in fact, they can be successfully removed as long as you act quickly, using the right supplies and techniques. The following tips can help you to get rid of red wine stains quickly, once and for all.

How to Clean with Hydrogen Peroxide

Peroxide cleaner or commonly known as hydrogen peroxide is a powerful bleaching solution that is often used by home owners from all over the world as a disinfectant and cleaner. If you are curious to learn how to clean with hydrogen peroxide, then read on in order to figure this out.

How to Conserve Water in School

Hosepipe ban is enforced and it forbids you to use hoses for watering and washing. That doesn’t mean that you can’t help by saving bigger amounts of water. This article is for all students or teachers who want to make more about the Earth’s water supply. Read the tips on how to conserve water in read more »

Rug Sale – It Is Time For Grabs

Rug sale – the long awaited momentous happening. Most of these sales take place after Christmas and throughout January. Sales can save you some money on fancy rugs seen in the Christmas catalogue, but keep in mind that a private rug sale can be just as lucrative if not more, people moving houses or renovating read more »

Best Way to Clean a Laptop Screen

If you we are talking about cleaning a laptop screen, you have to be very careful, because you can damage a LCD screen very easily. Cleaning London experts will help you with a few tips and will explain to you the best way to clean a laptop screen. However, you should be well-known with the read more »

Plan Your Cleaning

Start by doing your everyday chores, such as decluttering, washing the dishes and etc. This way you won’t allow the daily tasks to accumulate. Once you have taken care of your daily tasks, grab a cloth and clean the living room. Cover the wooden furniture and wash the upholstery of the sofa and armchairs. Vacuum read more »

A Place For Everything

Have you ever noticed that a bad morning almost always hints for a bad day as well? If you had a stressful morning you might very well end up feeling the same way during the whole day. If you are late again for work or an appointment just because you can’t find the car keys, read more »