Category Archives: Professional Cleaning Tips

How Should I Properly Dispose of Chemicals, Cleaners, or Medicine?

NEVER throw chemicals, cleaners, medicine, or any other product down your drain or into your toilet. Store them safely until you have enough for a trip to the toxic waste dump.

Don’t Raise Dogs in Rented Properties

A lot of people living on rent want to have a dog in their rented properties, but their landlords don’t allow them to. Pets are wonderful, because they become your friends ad even part of your family, but they require a lot of cares and cause a lot of problems.

How to Remove Hard Water Stains from Shower Glass Doors

Shower glass doors easily get stained from water because of the everyday use of your bathroom. These stains are usually stubborn and a little bit difficult to remove, however, there are some effective methods you can try and clean your shower glass door completely removing these tough stains. Here you are how to do it.

Alternative Architecture Goes Sweet

This is perhaps the best way to describe the look and feel of the so called lollipop house situated in one of South Korea’s cities. The house is bordering absurd some of the locals say as it is popped against a backdrop of inconspicuous beige homes that are far from architectural or engineering marvel, but read more »

Urban Architecture Goes Mobile

It’s only been a matter of time, before the old concept of urban architecture was shaken up by the new alternatives developed by creative engineers and gifted designers. The mobile lifestyle is not a future concept though, as history has shown, nomadic tribes have thrived even in the harshest of living environments because of their read more »

Pre-Olympics Preparations

You probably think that I’m going to talk about the preparations that the organisers of the Olympics have made. Well, I’m not. I will give you some advice on how to prepare for the event of the year, as it is a chance for you to earn some money.

Trends In Infill Housing

Infill housing is gaining momentum and growing in popularity amongst builders and home buyers. As neighbourhoods are growing larger more residents are flocking to good areas in demand of a decent place to live. This in turn is pushing developers and builders to make more use of infill building, which simply means that they are read more »

5 Essential Things You Need To Know About Vacate Cleaning Appointments

Moving out from a flat may look easy but it can sometimes get way too messy and you can invest a lot of your time and nerves in it.

Backyard Playground Equipment

Kids love spending time and playing around the playground, will it be the swings, the slide or the monkey bars makes no difference as long as it’s fun. Though not all playgrounds are completely kitted out when it comes keeping children safe from injury, some have older equipment, others are not fittedwith impact absorbing surface read more »

A Functional Master Bedroom

Homes that have large master bedrooms are ideal if you need to accommodate two children in the same bedroom, a master bedroom gives you the required living space and the necessary furniture space, along with easy access to the en suite bathroom to both occupants of the room.