Monthly Archives: June 2013

The Story of How Slip-a Designs Disciplined My Children

Footwear Slipa DesignAs a parent, the biggest challenge I have faced with my children is how to teach them not to run through the house and leave havoc in their path. That’s the thing with small children. The idea of consequences isn’t present and honestly, this is the time when you should pay more effort into teaching them the basic rules about how they should live in a house with other people. Something incredibly small is how they should treat their shoes.

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How to Maintain Your Rugs Properly

beautiful persian rugsRugs can be an expensive and emotional purchase. They migh last for extremely long period, becoming almost valuable part of your home as they will remind you of past times, far afield places and can conjure up happy memories. Whatever the size, shape, color and construction, there are a few tips that can help with longevity and keep your rug looking its best. read more »