Monthly Archives: May 2013

Why Should we Compost?

compostingThere aren’t many people, who find the idea of composting especially good. Let’s face it, it’s not an attractive job in the least. However, there are a lot of virtues, which must be known.

Maybe it would make many of them change their minds.

Gardeners for example, would find composting really helpful, as they all know, a DIY soil fertilizer is the best you can find.

It’s the best organic substance for your soil, it gives the plants all the nutrients they need and is also able to keep some pests away, as it plays the role of natural pest control.

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Prepare Your Garden for Autumn

autumn-gardenAs summer goes by, people feel it’s time to prepare their garden for the upcoming cool season. After all, the plants can sense the changing weather – the temperature, the humidity, the less and less sun light during the day.

So, first, when should we start preparing our garden for autumn? Wait until the last harvest, and then you can start preparing.

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How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers in Your Garden

grasshopper in the gardenFor most people the grasshopper is very interesting and sometimes funny creature, which most of the time is a sign for the upcoming warm weather. However, for gardeners the picture is entirely different. The grasshopper is a terrible insect, which can easily destroy your whole garden in a matter of days. These small pests can easily jump from plant to plant and inflict severe damage to the leaves. If a gardener don’t react on time, the results might be disastrous – loss of money and food. So, in order to protect your garden from this nightmare, make sure to follow my quick tips and advice. read more »

How to Deal With Suspicious Vendors When Shopping With Coupons

shoppingPeople who use coupons are often given a hard time by store employees because of the various frauds that are related to coupons. However not every coupons user is a conman who is trying to cheat the stores by using false coupons. If you use coupons and you have been a subject of bad attitude from store workers here are some tips that will aid you deal with such unpleasant situations. read more »