Monthly Archives: March 2013

The Best Eco-Friendly Fireplace On the Market


So finally you have decided to install a fireplace in your living room. Alternatively you want a fireplace which is proven to be eco-friendly as you want to ensure a safe indoor environment. If that is your case keep reading this article because we have listed down some of the eco-friendliest options on the market. read more »

Useful Tips For A Clean And Tidy Home

Clean and Tidy Home

We all want to have a clean and tidy home with minimal efforts, after all cleaning is not the first thing that comes into our mind when we get back from another hard day at the office. And this routine repeats every single day of the week, which leaves us the weekends to do all the accumulated during the week work. We often ask ourselves if there is another way – how can we make cleaning less time consuming and easier. read more »

How to Clean After Family Reunion at Home?

Family Gathering

It is great to get together with your relatives after long time. But organizing and cleaning after family reunion is quite big task. Here is a simple plan that should help you clean after the big family gathering. read more »